7 Best Restaurants in Boston You Don’t Want to Miss on Your First Visit

Trying to find the perfect restaurants while on vacation is one of my least favorite things to do. I was confronted with this problem again recently when I was looking for the best restaurants in Boston during my last trip. In a city like Boston, you can imagine the amount of restaurants you have to choose from. Trying to narrow it down seemed impossible. Since I'm only in a city for a finite amount time...more

My First Big Adventure is Booked

Los Angeles to New York, New York to Boston, Boston to Portugal. Plane tickets are purchased, itineraries booked, there’s no turning back now (not that I want to). I am about to embark on my first big backpacking adventure. It started a little less than a year ago (8 months to be more specific). I had what I thought was a crazy idea to sell my things, quit my job, pack a bag and just...more